Coughlin Nissan of Heath

Oct 27, 2023

Properly working headlights are an essential part of any vehicle’s safety system. Without them, it’s nearly impossible to navigate darkened streets, and other vehicles won’t see you coming. Fortunately, headlight repairs or the installation of headlights is a straightforward service that can be performed by your Nissan dealer. But how can you tell if it’s time for new headlights? There are several signs.

Is It Time for Your Nissan Dealer to Install New Headlights on Your Vehicle?

Your Bulb Is Blown


One of the surest ways of determining that your headlights have failed is to examine the bulb. If the bulb has visibly blown, you’re likely not seeing any light emanating from the headlamp, and you need immediate replacement. Headlights don’t last forever, and it’s normal for the bulbs to blow occasionally. But if your headlights need replacement more than once a year, there may be a wiring issue or another mechanical issue at play.

Your Lights Are Dim

If you switch on your headlights, and you get only a dim glow instead of a direct beam of light, you may also be due for new bulbs. If you’ve noticed a dimming in your lights, your dealer can test your bulbs and determine if they need to be replaced. Because headlights are usually installed in pairs, if one is starting to dim, the other is likely to soon follow.

Your Lights Flicker

If your headlights are flickering or blinking on and off, your vehicle may be experiencing wiring or an electrical connection issue. Flickering can also be a sign that the bulbs are nearing the end of their life. It’s always a good idea to get flickering headlights checked out.

Your Lights Are Hazy

Headlights that have become yellowish or hazy may be due for replacement. It’s also possible that hazy headlights are just due for a good cleaning. Sometimes dirt can build up on the inside of the clear lenses that protect your headlights, and it’s just a matter of having the professionals at your dealership clear that grime away. Addressing hazy headlights will not only improve safety: it will also improve the look of your vehicle!

Your High Beams Don’t Work

If your regular headlights are functioning properly, but your high beams won’t turn on, you may have a fuse or wiring problem, and fixing that issue could necessitate a full replacement of your lights. The service department at your dealership will be able to assess the problem and take care of fixing it.

If you’ve noticed signs that your headlights may be starting to fail, it’s important to have your vehicle checked out. Call Coughlin Nissan of Heath and schedule your next service appointment today!