Coughlin Nissan of Heath

Nov 10, 2023

Tires are one car component that should never be neglected. If you ever experience the following issues with your tires, head to your local Nissan dealer without delay. With a fresh set of new tires, your risk of skids, blowouts, and other tire-related problems is greatly reduced. Your vehicle’s handling and performance will be bolstered as well. 

Treads Are Too Worn Down

Car Tires

Shallow treads are probably the main reason that drivers replace their tires. If your tires make it to the end of their lifespan without suffering too much damage, the treads will eventually wear down to 2/32 of an inch in depth. This is the time to replace your tires. Anything below 2/32 of an inch is dangerous to drive on and is also illegal in most states. 

Tires Are Persistently Under-Inflated

If your car’s automatic tire pressure monitor keeps alerting you to an under-inflated tire, you may have a hidden leak on your hands. Even if you can’t detect a leak yourself, it’s best to assume the worst, as it’s very unsafe to drive on an under-inflated or punctured tire. 

You Sense Reduced Road Traction

If you suspect that your car’s traction on the road is reduced, consider having a professional look at your tires. When it comes to tire traction, it’s wise to be cautious, particularly when driving on wet or icy roads. 

Your Car Vibrates Excessively

While driving any car, there’s always a certain amount of vibration from the road. But if you notice the vibrations increasing along with the road noise, your tires may need attention or replacements. 

The Tires Have Overly Cracked Sidewalls

It’s natural for the sidewalls of tires to develop many little cracks as the tire rubber dries out. However, if these cracks multiply significantly, the tire’s structural integrity may be reduced. An overly cracked tire should usually be replaced, especially if the cracks are noticeably long or deep.

You Find Strange Bulges on the Tires

When a tire becomes knocked by a pothole or curb, the blow can sometimes cause internal damage. This may result in a strange bulge or blister on the external layer of rubber. Any visible external bulges usually mean the tire is too damaged to safely use anymore. 

Your Nissan Dealer Recommends Changing Tires

As well as regularly inspecting your tires yourself, it’s best to have an experienced technician take a look. Professional mechanics may detect signs of damage that you miss. And if your technician recommends replacing a tire, it’s usually wise to follow their advice. 

Have your tires inspected, rotated, or replaced today at Coughlin Nissan of Heath. We have a broad inventory of top-notch vehicles and courteous, attentive staff to help resolve all your vehicle-related needs and issues.