Coughlin Nissan of Heath

Jul 21, 2023

Alternators generate the electricity that all your car’s systems require. Like any other component, an alternator will eventually wear out or become damaged. When this happens, it’s time to visit your friendly Nissan dealer for an alternator repair. These are a few signs that your alternator could be wearing out.

Dim Lights

Dim lights are seen by many drivers as a sign that it’s time to change the headlight bulbs. This is often true, but if you’re also experiencing dim dash and cabin lights, you probably have an alternator problem. When your engine is running, the alternator supplies power to these systems. In time, the alternator will start to show signs of aging, and an older alternator will produce less power than it used to.

As the power supply to your car’s electrical system drops, your car’s computer is forced to allocate the available power to the systems that need it the most. Some systems are allocated only enough power to switch on. In the case of the lights, an inadequate power supply will make them appear dim. We can test the alternator, and we’ll replace it if necessary.

Whining Sounds

If you suddenly hear a loud whining sound from your engine, you may have a worn or misaligned alternator belt. The alternator belt connects a series of pulleys to the crankshaft. As you drive, the crankshaft turns, and this turning action causes the alternator belt to move across the pulleys and cause them to spin. One of these pulleys connects to the alternator, and the spinning of the pulley powers the alternator.

The high-speed movement of the belt can cause the belt to become slightly misaligned. If this happens, the friction caused by misalignment will cause the belt to produce a whining sound. This sound will grow louder if the problem isn’t identified and repaired and can result in damage to the belt or other engine components. We’ll examine your belt and either correctly realign it or replace it.

Dead Battery

A common sign of a failing alternator is a dead battery. One of the alternator’s functions is to recharge the battery. The recharging process begins as soon as your engine is running. As we’ve seen, a worn alternator produces less power than your car needs. The lack of sufficient available power will mean that your battery can’t be completely recharged.

The battery uses a large portion of its electricity reserves to start your engine. If the power supplied isn’t completely replaced, your battery will grow steadily weaker and eventually die. Our technicians will examine the alternator and fit a replacement if required.

If your alternator is showing signs of failing, call us today at Coughlin Nissan of Heath.